Lol what was in TV was so funny!!
Lol the telephon rang in the wrong time :D
The animation is really funny and the graphics are good! Better music to put i cant find ;)
Lol clean this place up :D
Lol what was in TV was so funny!!
Lol the telephon rang in the wrong time :D
The animation is really funny and the graphics are good! Better music to put i cant find ;)
Lol clean this place up :D
Sweeet hahahaha!!
You drew the alligator great and lololol he ate the baby XD
It was hillarious to see the turkey with the towel instead of the baby XD :D :)
So good!!
Your graphics and animation are sooo original and soo very very very awesome!!
You are one of the top artist here!
I love FBF animation and this one of the high high-top fbf animation on flash!! :) :O
Damn you're good!!!
Best animation, awesome awesome graphics anf great great sounds!!
Its hillarious! and sooo original!!!!
The games in the middle are very valueable!
You are now on my favorites!!
Wow dude!
Very cool!!
Sweet and awesome animation!!
Great graphics and hillarious movie!
The voices are very valueable!!
The broken hands are funny!
The dog on the eagle is very funny too!
Well done on everything, very original and funny!! The 3D is with motion tweening right? cool...
Anyway awesome movie and i like it!
The dancing blue ninjas was hillarious!!
Orihinal and hillarious!!
Hahaha that was soo...
Anyway its very funny, the music is good!
Lol that is unpredictable :O :D
So funny and original!! the graphics are so good, you are now on my favorites!!
Damn this is too awesome!!!
Animation is sooo cooool!!!
Graphics are awesome too!!!
How many layers did you use??? I must know (:P), its soo goood!!
Hi there! In case you didn't know, I created the Matrix. No, it wasn't made by some giant Architect - just some dumb kid. That picture is from 60 MYO, but my hair is finally in style so I haven't bothered to change it. I'm getting old.
Age 34, Male
Ort Hashomron
Zichron Ya'akov, Israel
Joined on 6/23/03