Oh HELL yes!!!
W00t im first in the hi-scores!! <b>;)</b>
And thanks for putting me on the CREDITS!!! (;D
Haha, anyway, LOLZ, I really enjoyed this awesome game, eventhough I don't like much games like this!
But I really love the combination of 3D characters in flash and the animation of them. They all looked very great and each level's pic is awesome, it's really neat you made them in Bryce (I once tried using it and couldn't even make the simple mountains :D)!!. I also like the 46x46 pic you put, it looks FUNKY.
Menu and stuff are also really cool; therefore, you get a 10 for graphics.
Music perfectly matched to the area (some by the name of them also... :D) and every function etc of the movie is very comfortable. Set-up is great; therefore, you get a 10 Style.
I had no bit of a problem with any of the musics. Even the first one which repeats tons of time doesn't bother me, I kinda like this kind of music actually. And as I mentioned before, the music ofcourse matches the background of each level. The Audio Portal is full of great musics, like the Flash Portal is full of great flash. I'm glad you picked some great musics; therefore, you get a 10 for Sound.
Killing each character was terffic. I had great fun spinning around killing lotsa' monsters. Death animation and colorings while being hit and all are great; therefore, you get a 10 for Violence.
Heh, you're one of NG's best actionscripters, I reckon! ALL actionscript I faced was perfectly working smoothly. I liked having actually more than 10 stages filled with interactivity that is getting more complicated (i'd like to say btw, that I think you should have a BONUS stage o_O). There are also cheats, haha! Scrolling is very comfortable and also every other action; therefore, you get a 10 for Interactivity.
I haven't heard of, if there are actually any, games that are parody shooting - so I think Humor isn't really something should be focused here heh... Yet, as I said before, the animation of dying monsters is FUNKEH! Well some of the enemies are pretty funny (umm funkey) like YELP, which I can't help it but call it 'Hadwig'. Also, SPAINGBOT is somewhat funny with klowness. BUDDY is actually funny because well it's obvies.. He's Interactive v1.01!
EAGEN was nice as it squashed haha..
Also, you wrote in the comment Program used: Notepad, that's funny; therfore, you get a 10 for Humor.
I'd like to say that I voted 5. Yet, I can't remmember much from what score to wut I changed it, since I closed the voting page...
Anyways, good luck with your new child (;D), future projects, career, whatever.. !!!
Carmel the Dinosaur ;)